Thursday, February 21, 2008

York College Parking Lot

Now for all the people that do not know, the parking fees for York College's parking lot raised a considerable amount.... but thats besides the fact... My problem with this parking lot is This

Now you all might think whats my problem with Hybrid Parking? I THINK ITS STUPID!!!! Why would you save space for the 0.008% of students or teachers that really do have these type of cars? I mean save space for the handicaps and teachers but Hybrid?? Come On NOW!!! I guess next semester he parking lot is going to be divided into brand names like Nissan Cars only or Honda cars Turn left Its just STUPID!!!! Ok so now they got this idea but what is this

a Honda odyssey.. now we all know that this is not Hybrid car so why is it parked there? Other than than this part of the parking lot is always empty because NO ONE GOT HYBRID CARS!!

Well i decided to get an opinion of a teacher who might have a different opinion. She taught that it was a good idea because it promoted these types of cars that did not use much energy..

ammm blahhh.. not good enough for me but why do i care.. i take the train home anyways.. lol .. what do you all think?


Anonymous said...

I think it is a stupid idea. Hybrid cars, vegetarian, no fur, save the environment. We can't fix what's broken. They need to stop forcing things on us and let people make their own choice.

MalmsteenRulez! said...

I honestly believe in preserving our environment. That's why I actually like hybrid cars. I guess the school is just trying to promote the whole "save the environment" issue but it's not working. It just ends up as a waste of parking space and nobody even pays any heed to it.

Keston said...

I understand the concern in preserving the environment but could this be done by selecting a section of the car parking lot for Hybrid cars? i dont think so... Persons would just go park somewhere else.. So am i supposed to be influenced to buy a Hybrid car because of this? its still stupid to me..

Yung D said...

people find ways to get your money. I bet it is more to park in the hybrid section. Free up the land.