Saturday, March 1, 2008

CPE Exam

Once again CPE Cuny Proficiency Exam is here. For all who does not know.. this is a exam each student in the Cuny school system has to take. This technically my 1st tame taking the exam this year but i qualified to take it last year and did not so that was an automatic forfeit.

I urge all my fellow students in the cuny system, if u have not registered for this exam just yet please do so INSTANTLY!!! You are only allowed 3 forfeits and registration closes march 3rd which is 2 days from today.

There are many work shops to get us prepared for this exam so make full use of it. for more information on the CPE Exam visit the link below.



Michael J. Cripps said...

Nice public service post. Suggestion: take a moment or two and figure out how to turn that cpe link into a working one. (Exploit the blog's potential!)

Iddan said...

I know people who skipped the CPE and had to go to the academic committee, going through hell to register. It's no joke.

Keston said...

I got it... YEAHHHHHHH!! lol Thanks to Kyle..

She She said...

Yeah I took the CPE last year. DO NOT delay take it and get it over with, it is not as hard as this make it seem. You do have to read the long essay before had, read it more than once and make notes, make sure you know the meaning of words you are not familiar with. Once you are in the exam room read the instructions carefully and take your time.