Sunday, May 4, 2008

Matter of Taste & Opinion!!

This blog has been long over due!! Every individual has their own style, taste and opinion. From these qualities builds one's personality. The things that you may like someone else my despise!!
With this being said, one day wearing my style of T-shirts someone asked me if i wasnt ashamed because of what was printed on it!

At the other hand someone else told me "I LOVE that shirt!!!!!" By this time i realized that nit everyone would like your style and it was a matter of opinion. Obviously i love the t shirt because i wore it.. lol.. another one of my favorites that i own is 

Now tell me what do you think of these types of T-shirts? Are they insulting to a specific gender or age group? EXPRESS YOURSELF!!! 

Now to those that like this style of T-shirts, i will share with you one of my many treasured secrets, the website to get shirts similar to these. There are also different types of T-shirts offered on this site, I just prefer the sex T-shirts  


Anonymous said...

I find the 1st shirt offensive which I don't do, just like the others that encourage violence and demeaning females. But it's the same as what we see and hear in the media and around us everyday. What i think is everyone is entitled to their own sense of style and we don't need a campaign against what people wear like those campaigning against people wearing fur.

Keston said...

Well u guess you have a point and it may offend the the women that dont do it... but I have had a woman in an office in school try to hit on me in a slick way because of this shirt which had me amazed!!!I guess she was a fan of it.. lol

Adam said...

Those two shirts are dirty. It doesn't offend me though. I would say to myself though this guy has some guts wearing that shirt. I doubt it I would have the guts to wear that in public. Although, if someone would, I bet they would get some comments walking out in public.

MalmsteenRulez! said...

I love catty t-shirts like that. I find it hilarious and creative. I think it's cool for somebody to not be afraid to be different. Not everybody has the guts to wear t-shirts like that.

Juan said...

I have no problem whatsoever with those shirts. I actually find them hilarious. As far as people having their own style, that's one of the reasons why I love living in new york. Everyone here has their own style and clothing is just one way expressing it. For example, you and I dress very differently but that's fine because you have your taste and I have mine.