Most of the people reading this blog are currently in college or have some type of college experience that cost thousands of dollars. When finished college there are many people that still do not know what they want to do with their lives and work at Circuit City, Office Max etc...
WHAT IF, someone wanted to pay you to be their "KEPT" person? The person hiring is very wealthy and you see them once or twice a week and they pay you for your services what ever it is. They might want to take a trip to the Caribbean to lay on the beautiful beaches or even take a trip to Dominica Republic to dance bachata.. The catch is, this person is married and significant other is just sometimes to busy to please all their needs; but you will be payed well enough to take care of ALL your needs!!
The rules to this question is that they are not thinking of keeping you closer than that "KEPT" person so a divorce is out of the question!! WOULD YOU APPLY FOR THIS JOB????
If I was alone and did not respect myself maybe but doing stuff like that I might as well be a blow up doll..
Hell No, and the word is not a kept person its a part time prostitute.
AHHAHA..well i think some people would love this job.. I think a few years ago i would have applied!! lol
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