Monday, May 19, 2008

Rated R News!!!

How many of you were forced to watch the news by your parents? Did you ever think that they would have to rated R news?

Lets be real for a min... The majority of us are use to the word that Channel 4 night anchor Sue Simmons used, but are you not still disturbed? Me personally think that this is part of her "real" personality to be a Bi*ch although she claims that she did not know she was live.

On the other hand, what really happened? Did someone try to touch her? Was someone looking at her in a perverted way? and if so; do you think its an excuse for her unprofessional behavior? EXPRESS YOURSELF!!!

For more information about this outburst click here

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Matter of Taste & Opinion!!

This blog has been long over due!! Every individual has their own style, taste and opinion. From these qualities builds one's personality. The things that you may like someone else my despise!!
With this being said, one day wearing my style of T-shirts someone asked me if i wasnt ashamed because of what was printed on it!

At the other hand someone else told me "I LOVE that shirt!!!!!" By this time i realized that nit everyone would like your style and it was a matter of opinion. Obviously i love the t shirt because i wore it.. lol.. another one of my favorites that i own is 

Now tell me what do you think of these types of T-shirts? Are they insulting to a specific gender or age group? EXPRESS YOURSELF!!! 

Now to those that like this style of T-shirts, i will share with you one of my many treasured secrets, the website to get shirts similar to these. There are also different types of T-shirts offered on this site, I just prefer the sex T-shirts